AutoStore: Planning Solid Barcode Workflows

Processing barcodes using AutoStore is something I get asked about frequently, and for what would appear to be a pretty simple image of bars and blocks, there's quite a bit worth talking about from a technical perspective. Notwithstanding, actual workflow requirements are key.

When building any document barcode process, and considering even the simplest of jobs, there are three main categories of what is actually being processed which deserve to be examined:
  • Batch
  • Document
  • Page

Generally speaking, a batch consists of many documents, and a document is made of of one or more pages. Obviously, we can break these items down into even smaller pieces, but these are the basics.

With respect to the actual barcode value in the job, there are the actions which can then be taken:
  • Split
  • Keep
  • Extract

Knowing how barcodes can be handled, the following 3 questions will help take us to creating the most solid AutoStore process process.

What's The Goal?

Barcodes can assist with splitting a batch, the page with the barcode can be kept or discarded, and its value can be obtained as metadata. Digging deeper, the workflow process drives the actions that need to be taken. Now, it comes down to these questions...

What needs to be done with the barcode?
  • Split the document batch?
  • Keep the barcode page?
  • Extract the barcode value?

Split the Document Batch?

Taking multiple documents in a single scan is often referred to as "scanning a batch" or a "batch-scan". When it comes to handling a batch, it is often necessary to take the job into a separate AutoStore task that does nothing more than to split the batch into individual documents.

In this step, its important to keep in mind that the barcode needs to remain with the document in order for the next task to be able to process it independently from the other documents. Commonly, a barcode cover page is usually where each document is the split, so it's often the document's first page.

Keeping The Barocde Page?

In a separate task, the individual documents are now handled as separate documents. Here, the barcode component can handle extracting the barcode value, or determining whether or not to remove the page with the barcode.

Extract the Barcode Value?

To extract the value, the barcode needed to remain on the document when the batch was split. There is an option in the Barcode process component in the Advanced tab which may need to be enabled to Generate RRTs for the barcodes from separator pages.

Keeping the barcode page and extracting the barcode value can usually remain functions within a single AutoStore task, but depending on the workflow, it may be best to split these up into two separate tasks.

In closing

It is good practice to create a plan when constructing any AutoStore process. One of mistakes often made is jumping straight into the AutoStore Process Designer without taking this crucial step. It's like showing up at a construction site with tools, ready to build, but no blueprint.

A great process will accelerate great results. When planning a barcode process in AutoStore, keeping these questions in mind will help provide clarity in how to determine the actual effort needed to achieve the desired result.



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