
Showing posts from May, 2015

AutoStore: How to Fail a Job using Data Filter Validate

There may be instances when processing a document through AutoStore needs to fail in order to prevent the job from reaching other parts of the intended workflow. Let's consider documents that are captured from a multi-function device which contain barcodes on the pages. The Barcode component can detect a barcode, and when one is found, it can (1) split the job, or (2) read the value. For either of these actions to be achieved, a barcode would need to be on the page. Sounds simple enough, but what's tricky is how to know whether any given page should or should not actually have a barcode. In other words, under what condition should we know there is no barcode. For example, perhaps a given job should have a barcode on every single page, maybe the job should have a certain number of pages with a barcode on it, or possibly a barcode value needs to be present on exactly page n . Because a logical determination needs to be performed to make that decision, it sounds like thi